How to Prepare for your appointment

  • Shower prior to your appointment: Eliminating any unnecessary contact with water or steam within the first 48 hours of your lash application will insure that the bond between the semi permanent lashes and your natural lashes has enough time to properly set.
  • Wear comfortable clothing: You will  be lying  down for 60 to 90 minutes with dimmed lights and soft music as your backdrop during your eyelash application, comfortable clothes will allow you to make the most of this time to relax and get some beauty sleep aka Lash Nap
  • Remove your contacts: Your eyes will be closed during the application of your eyelash extensions,  to avoid any discomfort, it is always suggested that contacts are removed allowing eyes to be comfortable in a natural and rested state.
  • Remove all makeup: Washing your face is not recommended within the first 8 hours of your lash application, so please remove all makeup and facial products such as sunscreen, bronzer, or moisturizer. Any residual makeup left on your lashes (even lower lashes) and eyelid will not allow the lash adhesive to properly bond to your natural lashes, resulting in quicker fallout. Makeup products worn close to the eye will need to be removed prior to the lash application process resulting in less time to fill your lashes.
  • Curl your lashes on the day of your lash application: Your eyelashes should be in the most natural and healthy state they can be in prior to your lash extension application.  Please do not curl your eyelashes, or use any other manipulation on them the day of your appointment.
  • Do not eat chocolate, take anything to boost energy, or drink any caffeinated drinks: The above can cause you to feel restless and unable to relax, but more detrimental to your application they usually cause involuntary fluttering of your eyelids.